Expeditions: Viking Download game

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Expeditions: Viking is a turn-based RPG with turn-based combat system. The game allows you to become a Viking clan leader. We need to manage subordinates, maintain diplomatic and commercial relations with our neighbors, and conduct expeditions during which we attack other nations and rob them of treasures. Expeditions: Viking is a Windows based RPG historical RPG. The production went to Logic Artists studio, the same team that produced Expeditions: Conquistador. The action of the game is at the end of the eighth century. The campaign begins with the death of one of the Viking clans.


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Description of the game

We play in his son, who by law takes over his father’s position. Our task is to strengthen the power and ensure the welfare of the subordinate. Achieving these goals will require a lot of effort, as neighbors will use every opportunity to clash us from Earth. Even worse, even among our people, there will be people who are proud of taking the title of leader for themselves. In addition to managing the clan and expanding the village, the role of plundering expeditions on European lands is crucial. It is imperative that you carefully prepare for each of these excursions, including: Gathering of the right crew and stocks. Further cruises are more cost effective but also more dangerous, so you need to calculate the risk well. In terms of fun mechanisms, the game is a development of solutions from Expeditions: Conquistador. So we get a view from a camera placed high above the heads of the characters and a turn-based battle system, played on maps covered with hexagonal mesh. The flank attacks, trapping and the use of shields play an important role. There are also survival elements, which require food and protect the character from the forces of nature. In the new part of the series, the character wizard has definitely expanded, in which we choose the look, skills, and even the story of our hero. The gameplay is largely nonlinear. Our decisions, both strategic and personal, have far-reaching effects that shape the relationship of other faction and character to leader.

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Story of game

In addition, each member of the team has its own personality and its level of morale influences the effectiveness of the fight. Unlike the Conquistador, Viking has written extensive dialogues with his companions so we can make relationships with them. The sport diversifies the diplomatic and trade system and random events. Expeditions: Conquistador, the first game of the small Danish Logic Artists studio, went through a little echoes. Not because she was weak, because she was not at all. On the contrary, not only did she deal with a very unusual historical subject in a curious way, it was still really cool and well organized. But somehow she did not manage to capture the crowds like other, better-promoted and widely commented niche role-playing games. It was a pity, because she was not supposed to stay in the shadows. Fortunately, conquistadors managed to earn enough money for the Danes to set out on their next trip, this time in their traditional style.

Expeditions: Conquistador, the first game of the small Danish Logic Artists studio, went through a little echoes. Not because she was weak, because she was not at all. On the contrary, not only did she deal with a very unusual historical subject in a curious way, it was still really cool and well organized. But somehow she did not manage to capture the crowds like other, better-promoted and widely commented niche role-playing games. It was a pity, because she was not supposed to stay in the shadows. Fortunately, conquistadors managed to earn enough money for the Danes to set out on their next trip, this time in their traditional style. Our adventure begins at the funeral of our father, an impetuous ruler who was not particularly concerned about the subjects of his subjects, but was keenly interested in how his neighbors were closer and further. Unfortunately, his plundering expedition ended up with him rather bad luck and tragic. And we have to inherit we, young, inexperienced and not yet revered descendants. Expeditions: Viking starts pretty banal, that’s right. But this is what I like in this game. That is so … plain. Mundane There are no wizards, dragons, black suns, and other props from bad fantasy. Probably because it is not fantasy at all. Like Expeditions: Conquistador, Vikings is 100% historical. Well, perhaps not really one hundred percent, with attention to detail worthy of professors specializing in the turn of the ninth and tenth centuries AD, but enough. Completely enough to be cool. Not as good as in the Ragnar series … but close. Expeditions: Viking is trying to be a good RPG. At the beginning, in the prologue or in the tutorial, which takes place in Denmark, we can play not only in quite pleasant dialogues or ambiguous election choices, but also in nicely ordinary missions or interactions with colorful but not infantile Outraged supporting characters. And in the fight too. In a lot of walk. The new Expeditions mordobiciem stands, like the previous, Spanish-American. There are also tactical clashes, played out in classics, encapsulated by a whole host of additional abilities and rules that would not be bothered by the old XComes or the Jagged Alliance, forming the skeleton of the game. All the rest were built on it. This time it is the same. Clashes are frequent and, importantly, difficult enough. Not too difficult, but challenging enough for the game to emotion and satisfaction in defeating enemies. Especially if none of our adjutants during the affliction did not suffer, or, do not give Thora, he died. It is well known that all the jockeys are pushing for this Valhalla, but basically we want to get to that later, faster than that. Much later. It is best to come back with them from the expedition to the mysterious, rich, green island in the west, about which all these legends are heard.

Expeditions: Viking Game full version

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