Naval Action Free Download game
Leash off, Naval Action lays down! The fascination of the era of the sailing ships is unbroken even in a time when the steel diesel colossi are sailing the world’s oceans. Books and films about the adventures of a Horatio Hornblower, Richard Bolitho, Jack Sparrow or Jack Aubrey are popular, although probably the fewest readers and viewers have ever set foot on deck. Also the developers of the Russian studio GameLabs have been enthusiastic fans of sailing ships since childhood.

Description of the game
They were so enthusiastic that they were working on the development of a MMO to bring back the beautiful sailing ships and their glorious wedding virtually to life. Naval Action has now appeared on Steam in the Early Access, we hunted pirates with our yacht in the service of the British Crown, Frenchmen sunk, and have sailed with other dealers. And it has made a heathen pass!
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Story of game
We start our maritime career on a PvP or PvE server with the selection of our nation: Are we sailing for Great Britain, France, the Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark or a pirate run? Depending on the choice, the starting conditions are different: While the British can approach many ports, the Swedes have only a handful. Since only ports of our own nation as well as neutral and free harbors are running, we have to think carefully which flag we tackle to the mast.
With a small cutter we start in the British Port Royal. And there’s the early access status of Naval Action: the user interface still consists entirely of placeholders and is ugly – it takes time for us to get along. Shopping or crafting is not yet in it, we do not have gold and material. So let’s get some missions, which are currently going to sink enemy ships.
The compass also shows us the wind direction, which is important in that we have to cross in the opposite direction, in order not to stand still. We can put the sails on a real sailing ship in several steps, which determines, among other things, the speed. On the way we meet other ships, which we examine with a left-click. To shoot at the bar of own faction is taboo (unless they smuggle). If we do this anyway, we will immediately become a pirate – and this can not be undone. Fire is free, on the other hand, with pirates or nations who are with us in war.
Naval Action Free Download game