Mirror’s Edge Catalyst Download game
Mirror’s Edge Catalyst is a continuation of the first person action game of 2008, a kind of reboot of the brand, using the world, characters and elements of the plot and mechanics of the prototype. In the game we replay Faith, who, due to the masterly art of moving around the big jungle, can become the main catalyst for change in quasi-totalitarian reality. Unlike the first part of the series, the action was set in the open world, and not only the gameplay, but also the movement and combat style. EA DICE Studio is known today as a PC player primarily as the creator of the best-selling Battlefield series and a new version of Star Wars Battlefront, set in the Star Wars network.

Description of the game
The title action was set in the City of Glass, one of many futuristic metropolis, a quasi-totalitarian world in which powerful and influential corporations are full of power, Conglomerate. Living in constant fear the society is subjected to constant surveillance, and all manifestations of disobedience to power are brutally suppressed. Players reappear in the form of the original “runner” named Faith, who perfected the art of moving around the urban jungle to perfection, so that every day the couple is working courier, petty theft and industrial espionage. It is her abilities and her determination that Faith can become the title catalyst for change that will lead to the revolution and the end of totalitarian corporate governance. In the course of the game, our protagonist visits a number of corners of the city, from rooftops of skyscrapers to dark underground tunnels, and its main opponent is the agents of KrugerSec – the armed Konglomerate arm, led by the charismatic Gabriel Kruger. The most important change to the first Mirror’s Edge is the resignation of the rigid division into missions. The game was set up this time in a vast open world, after which we were free to move, and the tasks of the main storyline were accompanied by a whole host of side jobs and additional activities. Much more emphasis is also placed on the evolution of the character of the main character, who from a young and innocent girl harmed by the system, in the course of the game turns into a brave fight for freedom. This development also translates into her ability – during exploration of the world of the game heroine gathers experience, which we then spend on buying new skills, allowing her, for example, to reach the initially inaccessible places.
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Story of game
One of the most characteristic features of the series was, of course, a realistically restored motion model, using a wide range of typically parkour tricks. At the same time, Mirror’s Edge Catalyst was completely abandoned with a firearm that could be used against the enemy in “one”. In the game there is still no shortage of opportunities to confront different types of opponents, but this time we only deal with them using physical strength, using the wits and skills of the heroine. As a result, the combat mechanics have been significantly enhanced, allowing for much more accurate and precise punching. At the same time, during the battle, we can also use elements of the environment, such as throwing opponents out of the roof, knock them off at the rope or hit them against the wall. In addition to the one-man show, Mirror’s Edge Catalyst also offers some multiplayer features. The issue of network functionality is different from what the manufacturer originally promised. The player receives only the so-called. Social Play, an asynchronous component that does not allow multiplayer games in rival or collaboration mode. Thanks to that, we can create our own challenges by placing on the map checkpoints in which our friends and other players can compete. There is also the opportunity to save your time on the public scoreboard and compete in this way with people from all over the world. The second feature provided by Social Play is Beat L.E. It allows you to embed tags in the game world also for other players, which can be used to mark interesting places. Also, with the progress in the game and the achievement of achievements, the player has the ability to unlock the emblems.
Mirror’s Edge Catalyst Game full version